Urbanization of City Planning Ahmed Hirsi

York University, Canada, 4th Year Student The urbanization of any city is important but what are the most important components of urbanization? Among the most important components to urbanizing any city are the following: peace, prosperity, reproduction, and multiculturalism. When it comes to peace, it goes without saying that safety is paramount. This is because […]

Parental Roles in Raising the Right Child

By Hanaan Qasim Hersi Parents are aware of their children’s serious–risky–leading effects as they are always ready to raise their children properly. However, they may sometimes be lax and careless in taking thorough supervision of their children’s daily activities. They may fail to provide appropriate training and precautionary guidance within ordinary social skills. Instead, they […]

Directions on Religion: Qur’an Without Intermediary

By, Ibrahim Garabiyah-Center of Research,Jordan University Translated by Qasim Hersi (Canada) In our public affairs/needs and day–to–day intellectual activities or even concerns about our way of lifestyle, we find numerous unanswerable questions that we leave in a status of obscurity. Similarly, it seems that there are many unanswerable questions concerning our style of worshipping God […]

How To Eliminate Islamophobia (Part One)

By Qasim Hersi Farah (Ph.D) Islamophobia is one of the most unresolved threats in our contemporary world’s security, stability, integration, interaction, and coexistence. The main creators, organizers, causers, and triggers of Islamophobia include religious zombies, politicians, the corporate arms industry, petroleum economists, media, illicit lobbyists, pressure groups, warmongers, and individuals whose hearts were filled with […]

The History of Muslims in Canada

By Mohamed Sheikh Hasan, Writer and Publisher When it comes to landmass, Canada was endowed to settle the second– largest land in the world. It occupies a total of 9,984,67 KM land area. Similarly, Canada has the longest coastline and marine territory in the world, which is measuring 125, 567 miles (202, 080 kilometers), seconded […]

Light Upon Light

Ali Muhammad Al–Shurafa Al–Hammadi1, Arabian thinker May, 2022 “Only in the remembrance of Allah will your hearts find peace” (Qur’an: Basically, the Qur’anic verses aim at the benefit, safety, and security of human beings in the life of this world, whilst guiding them in inheriting Allah’s paradise and blessing. This necessitates everyone to endeavor in […]


Mohammed Sh. Hassan – Author and Publisher Since the creation of the world, International Migration and Emigration have always been in the equation. There was always a reason forcing such emigration and migration. Among the common practices that may force human influxes and displacements are mainly agonies, physical battle, political turmoil, and environmental disasters. Referring […]


Etin Anwar – Hobart and William Smith Colleges1 The world economic crises in 1998 and the subsequent political terrorism on September 11, 2001 vastly impacted the social, political, and cultural landscapes of Islam in Indonesia. The earlier political changes from the authoritarian New Order to the reformation era in 1998 had sparked not only democracy, […]


Ahmed Abdallah Muslim scientists and inventors, in the pre-modern world, were multicultural men who originated from various countries in the world such as the Arabi- an Peninsula, Eastern Africa, Gulf of Persia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and others. These prominent Muslim scientists were probably hundreds of years ahead of their counterparts in the […]


Is Islam a new Religion in America?Mohammed H. Abdishakur ‘‘Will you be surprised at hearing that Islam has been a piece of the American religious fabric since when the first settlers arrived in North America? Historians estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of the slaves who were brought from West Africa by force were […]