American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, June 23-28th, 2022, Location, Washington, DC
by Abdiweli S. Hassan (USA)
The American Library Association is the biggest and the oldest association of its kind in the world, as it was established 140 years ago. It has all the capacities to hold daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly largest gatherings in the world. On June 23-28, 2022, its historic annual conference was held in the Washington District of Columbia (DC) with a high spirit and cheerful interest. Being the largest convention in its history, more than 25,000 participants attended. Add that, the largest number of librarians, library supporters, publishers, writers, commentators, and walk-in visitors attended it. The message of Peace Foundation (MPF) together with Scansom Publishers were among those participants. MPF, has installed and operated booth number 3415, one of the most dynamic & most interesting booths.
MPF team which consisted of 4 personnel and several assistants of whom some came from Canada, while others came from various states of the US diligently and thoroughly worked throughout those five consecutive days. Always, they were the first and last assemblage of each day’s session. Indeed, their sleep time was short as they were preparing and organizing their day-to-day event activities. The team presented, exhibited, and explained huge volumes of books, booklets, articles, and other forms of publications mainly written by our noble Chairman Ali Mohammed Al-shorafa Al-Hammadi. The latest of these publications were produced during January to May 2022. Below stated is the list of the publications released, launched, displayed, and distributed by the MPF team during the ALA’s Gala Annual Conference held from June 23 to June 28, 2022:
- Comprehension of Islam
- Guide To Islam for the New Muslims
- The Truth about the Messengers Sunnah in the Qur’an
- Articulos Seleccionados Sobre El Islam (Spanish)
- Message of Islam
- Divorce in Islam,
- Zakat – Alms payment in Islam, and
- Several other booklets, leaflets, and memos published during the past 5 years.
We distributed and donated numerous books written or translated into several different languages to several hundred librarians scattered in various States of the US and other parts of the world.

The ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition brings together newsmakers, innovators, thought leaders, and influencers in the library fields.
There were nearly 900 exhibiting companies that displayed the latest books, e-books, online services, automation software, furniture, and other materials, which are all vital to today’s libraries and librarians as well as readers and researchers. The conference accommodated more than 2,500 meetings, discussion groups, and programs on various topics affecting libraries and librarians.

The main purpose of the Message of Peace Foundation is to introduce its publications to the people regardless of the people’s social and financial status, background, language, culture, and faith. MPF is committed to dedicating in disseminating the true Message of Islam which contains practicing and spreading all forms of marvelous behaviors; Mercy, Justice, Freedom, Peace, Co-existence, Compassion, Love, and Help to one another.

We are indebted to extend special thanks and gratitude to our Chairman Ali Mohammed Al-Hammadi for his wisely wisdom-based leadership. Without his generous financial support, most of our activities, mainly, our publications and our capacities to participate in global book-fair events may not have been possible.
May Allah, the Almighty, Reward him with the highest level of rewards.