The 2022 World Cup in Qatar

Mohammed SH. Hassan (Author & Publisher Toronto) Historically, the first World Cup, was held in 1930, as Jules Rimet proposed it. The founder’s intention was limited to building a new environment for an international soccer (football) competition between men’s football teams. Since then, the Football World Cup game has been held in a pre-elected and […]


By: Qasim Hersi Farah (Ph.D.). Any community or group of people who live in a region in the world needs to have administration, jurisdiction, and legislation systems to control all forms of criminal activities. The community must also make and maintain peace, stability, tranquility, human rights protection, reproduction, community development, and economic progress based on […]

How Qur’an Interprets the Term Darbi and Qawamun (ضرب /قوامون)

There are various connotations in the uses of the word (darb and its derivatives) that clarify several meanings in each case. These ranges of meanings that complement one another lead one to pose questions such as: How come the commentators and jurists failed to attempt to take the verse as a reference by reconsidering the […]

The Muslim Individual’s Relationship with People

Ali Muhammad Al-Shurafa Al-Hammadi1, Arabian thinker May, 2022 “It is an Islamic ordainment upon any Muslim individual to indiscriminately maintain well, better, and the best relations with all people. To establish and preserve reciprocal relationships with everybody, one must first associate and establish good conduct while progressively enduring it with peace, kindness, respect, and compassion […]

The Library of Congress–A huge treasure for the world

by: Mohammed SH. Hassan –  Author & Publisher Since 1981, one of my main dreams has been getting the opportunity to visit the Library of Congress and invest an adequate time and mental energy in it. My intention was to conduct comprehensive researches at this particular library. In the meantime, I dedicated myself to making […]


Qur’an: Fatir: 28 Authored by Qasim Hersi Farah (Ph.D.) Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind” (Einstein). Einstein condemned religions to remain radical by focusing solely on the feelings of mystery and human concerns while abolishing divine interaction. A point of correction is that Einstein has seen religions and faith programs other […]

Participation in International Books Fair

American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, June 23-28th, 2022, Location, Washington, DC by Abdiweli S. Hassan (USA) The American Library Association is the biggest and the oldest association of its kind in the world, as it was established 140 years ago. It has all the capacities to hold daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly largest gatherings […]

Famous Muslim Scientists and their Inventions

Compiled and prepared by: Mohammed H. Abdishakur (Sweden) Muslim scientists and inventors, including Arabs, Persians, and Turks were probably hundreds of years ahead of their counterparts in the European Middle Ages. They drew influence from Aristotelian philosophy and Neo–Platonists as well as Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy, and others. The Muslims made marvelous discoveries and wrote countless […]


By Ali Mohammed Al-Shorafa Al-Hammadi “And one of His (Allah) signs is that He created for you Spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them, and He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely, in this are signs for people who reflect” (Ar-Rum Verse #21) This Noble verse of the […]


Publication of Message of Islam Mohammed SH. Hassan, Author & Publisher The Foundation for the Message of Peace has made a substantial contribution of the publication and production of the most relevant books on Islam. Brother, Ali Mohammed Shurafa Al-Hammadi, A Muslim Thinker and Researcher ( May Allah reward him), has played a significant role […]